Sunday, 2 October 2016

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
        -Ferris Bueller, 1986. 

I am that girl that literally stops and smells the roses when I’m out for a walk, although it’s usually hyacinths in early spring and those gorgeous smelly pink lilies at the front of the grocery store.  The mountains still take my breath away every time I see them emerge from behind the clouded sky.  I take pleasure in the small things.

I like people, especially people that are funny.  More accurately, I like people who find humour in everyday things and aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves.  “Funny people” like stand-up comics tend to make me uncomfortable.  I’m always afraid that they’re going to hurt someone’s feelings. 

Like many, I enjoy being outside.  I’ve planted trees which I loved, no hated, no loved; I guess you could say it was a love/hate relationship.  It was hard work.  I was smelly (and not like a pink lily flower), dirty, bruised and broke.  But I got to see some of the most amazing and remote parts of B.C. that I will never forget.  The old growth forest of Haida Gwaii is one of those places. 

I love animals, all kinds, and I’m lucky enough to have a job as a Registered Veterinary Technician, that allows me to work with them and teach others to care for them too.  I am interested in pet therapy being more prominent in our health care system and would like to pursue this further.  I have tracked wolves through Algonquin Park, and for fun I’m a bee keeper.

I became interested in pursuing a Master’s of Education after completing the Provincial Instructor Diploma Program, (PIDP).  I knew I loved teaching, but I found that I also really enjoyed developing curriculum and finding creative ways to present my course material to my learners to keep them engaged.

Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit off balance.  I can’t explain it exactly, but I don’t feel like I am my best self, whatever that means.  The HEAL program seems like the perfect match to balance my inner hippie, my drive for continuous learning and the ability to share and receive knowledge and experiences with those around me.  I am looking forward to regaining a balance between my work and my life in a healthy way so that I can be the best Mum to my son and best friend to my husband.  I’ve heard on more than one occasion that this program can be life changing and I am so ready!  


  1. Yeah you did it! Thanks for much for sharing who you are. I enjoyed reading about your passions and love for nature and animals. Hippies are my favourite - I am one at heart too.

  2. Bueller? Bueller? Bahahahaha!
    Looks great :)

  3. Wahoo! It gets easier I swear! Nicely done. I am hoping I can bring my guide dog in training to class one day

  4. "I have tracked wolves through Algonquin Park and for fun".... Wow!
